Thursday, January 17, 2013

Another college coach takes his show to the show

The Philadelphia Eagles hired University of Oregon coach Chip Kelly as its franchises 21st head football coach.  Is anyone surprised?  Apparently everyone in football appears to have been blindsided by this hiring.  Kelly last week said he was staying at Oregon . I guess he had a change of heart and is ready to embark on this immense journey.  Is he the real deal? Or is he another brash college coach who thinks football is football and all you need is great players to win.  I just heard his press conference and oh oh he thinks exactly what I just said.  If you are an Eagle fan you have to be a bit scared right now.  The Redskins had a coach just like this a little while ago named Steve Spurrier.  A brash, over confident offensive guru who was going se the NFL on fire with his offensive wizardry. He vowed that he not put in long hours because he was not going to burn himself out. He had it all figured out.  That is the impression that I get from Chip Kelly. His style of football is starting take over the NFL and maybe there could be something to his confidence.  He has Mike Vicki as his quarterback and is the prototype quarterback to run his offense.  He has weapons and speed galore. Desean Jackson, Jeremy Maclin, Lesean McCoy as his ammunition is quite scary. Yes they have health issues every year and we never know how great they could be because they never play 16 games. The potential is quite scary.
Everyone will be watching this unfold because Andy Reid was so well respected. Was it Reid's fault that every year he had to deal with untimely injuries? The Eagles have been one of most snake bitten teams in modern memory. As a Giant fan I actually liked Andy Reid. His teams have frustrated mine for years. He never complained about a thing. When they lost, he owned it. When they won't he gave the credit to the players.  So Chip Kelly has a lot to live up to. 
Will he be like Nick Saban, Bobby Petrino, or Spurrier and fizzle out? Greg Schiano just had a great year in Tampa.  No one cares about Tampa though. Philly is a major football town whose fan base will run him out of town, if he does not produce.  I was wrong about RGIii.  I hope that Kelly does well. Just not against my team. This is going to be a circus. He has a mouth on him. Andy Reid was quiet. This guy will meet you in the parking lot

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